HONEY & LEMON is a beautiful photographic novel that follows a Boy and a Girl who meet like any love story. However, the Girl has been fighting a war and there are demons who hound her. The Girl knows it is her battle to fight but the Boy goes on a search to defeat the demons and protect the one he loves. Along the way, they learn how to support and protect each other while gaining valuable tools and weapons. Together, they defeat the demons only to find themselves facing the ultimate challenge. Inspired by graphic novels and comic strips, HONEY & LEMON uses photography and simple storytelling to articulate the nature of depression in a way anyone can understand. Its message – that it's okay to ask for help, and that when you do you will find the strength to not only get through this but hopefully have the tools to do it again if and when the time comes. It will undoubtedly encourage those who are suffering and feel like they have to fight this on their own. Whereas medical advice online and in self-help literature can use intimating, emotionless medical language that renders it un-relatable to those who need it, HONEY & LEMON humanises and normalises mental health difficulties. You are not alone, and recovery is possible.